
Commentaries on the Prophet Jeremiah and the Lamentations is unavailable, but you can change that!

Calvin’s Commentaries (46 Vols.) are, in the words of Philip Schaff, one of the few exegetical works that have outlived their generation. Calvin preached and wrote prolifically on the Bible. His commentaries display a rare combination of exegetical insight, pastoral concern, and theological depth which have inspired generations of Christians. Calvin wrote commentaries on most books of the Bible,...

of Christ, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things which ye see, and the ears which hear the things which ye hear; for many kings and prophets,” &c. (Luke 10:23.) Christ, then, is the best interpreter of this passage, even that God would cause the truth to shine forth more fully under the Gospel; and hence Christ is called by Malachi “the Sun of Righteousness,” (Mal. 4:2;) for the Prophet there intimates that the Fathers had indeed some light, but not such as we have. In short, we ought to bear
Volume 4, Page 136